19–22 MARCH 2019, NICE, FRANCE
Keynote: Thriving Women, Thriving World: An Appreciative Inquiry Forum
Workshop: Appreciative Leadership: The Relational Nature Of Leading Change In South Africa
“Is it possible to create a better world? Could we generate conversations between human beings that facilitate positive transformations, in order to reach this noble goal?
We gathered in Nice to have conversations exploring this topic together and to emanate into each of our separate regions. This conference illustrates the enthusiastic commitment of our entire community to valuing the common good, as illustrated, for example, by the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the UN.
The Programme is exceptionally rich in diversity, demonstrating the abundance of initiatives fostering hope all over the world. In each of the more than 30 countries represented here, practitioners and researchers are devoted to ensuring that individuals, families, businesses, health institutions, local authorities, and many more human communities experience the power of positive transformation brought by Appreciative Inquiry.”