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Thought partnering, strategic design and facilitation processes.


In-person or virtual dialogues and curated gatherings that nurture spaciousness and multiply voices and opportunities to engage the whole.


Local and international speaking, moderating and collaborative writing guided by the Appreciative Leadership Lotus Model and the Spaciousness Theory of change.

SW Global Reach_Updated 08July2024

Thought partnering, strategic design and facilitation processes.


In-person or virtual dialogues and curated gatherings that nurture spaciousness and multiply voices and opportunities to engage the whole.


Local and international speaking, moderating and collaborative writing guided by the Appreciative Leadership Lotus Model and the Spaciousness Theory of change.

SW Global Reach_Updated 08July2024

Along with associates in South Africa, Mexico, Hong Kong, the UK and the US, Spaciousness Works has engaged hundreds of leaders and teams around the globe.

Our Reach in the World

Along with associates in South Africa, Mexico, Hong Kong, the UK and the US, Spaciousness Works has engaged hundreds of leaders and teams around the globe.

Our processes are designed to empower your team or gathered participants and outfit them with the tools they need to thrive.

Talk to us today about how we can support your team, event, organization or community thriving.

  • Strategic Planning
  • Visioning and Team Building 
  • Values and Culture Alignment 
  • Diversity, Equity and Inclusion and Intercultural Management 
  • Women in Leadership 
  • Men as Catalysts of Change
  • Change Management
  • Participatory Conferencing and Workshops (In-person, Hybrid, Online)
  • Building Innovation and Inclusion with Virtual Teams 
  • Divergent Group Convening
  • Grant-making, Corporate Social Investment, Philanthropy
  • Stakeholder Engagement and Whole System Inclusion 
  • Conference Design, Program Directing, Moderating and MC’ing, Facilitation and Space Holding 
  • Coaching and Executive Thought Partnering

Our clients include multinational corporations, companies, government agencies, foundations, CBOs, NGOs, international NGOs, training institutions and grant-making institutions. Some of the successful examples of designing and facilitating (in-person, online or hybrid) complex strategic planning processes utilising Appreciative Inquiry methodologies include: 

  • A government agency in a foreign country co-creating over multiple summits and years, to embed a shared vision between themselves, host country nationals, third country nationals and volunteers.

  • A multi-stakeholder partnership on racial equity addressing internal challenges and annual programme planning.

  • A global mining company shifting from violent and adversarial negotiations to co-creating a Culture Statement between leadership of management and unions. 

  • A global climate justice organisation (active in 188 countries) founded in the north centring the global south in online and in-person meetings and planning. 

  • A global African management consulting company moving from addressing sexual harassment to creating a gender inclusion strategic plan and case studies using positive deviance.

  • A financial services company operating in 17 countries building allyship and understanding diverse lived-experiences through strength-based stories of marginalised identities.

  • A non-profit political organisation re-building trust across identity politics and constituencies to build a shared strategy and ways of working.

  • A global fund co-creating a shared vision for its funding in a predominantly rural and religious country which included the LQBTQI+ community, safe women and girls advocates (anti-GBV), the police, government, traditional leaders and the church.

  • A large US family services organisation turning 150 years old requiring a 3 year strategic plan that centres DEI.

  • A core team of a feminist movement of tens of thousands of women committed to aligning their feminist principles and tools with anti-racism practices.

  • A non-profit partnered with academic institutions committed to an inclusive pan African growth strategy, spanning different languages and cultures.

  • A city increasing DEI awareness between staff.

  • A cross Africa women’s trust entrepreneurship programme articulating its feminist curriculum and aligning hybrid processes and online platforms to reflect this.

  • A government agency with employees from multiple countries building its new post-Covid culture, values and ways of working.

  • A multi-agency government fund mapping its epidemic control roadmap.

  • A government agency working with an adolescent health organisation integrating gender inclusion dialogue into strategic planning.

  • Leaders representing different organisations in our course Co-Creating a Intercultural, Diverse, Equitable and Inclusive World with Appreciative Inquiry to plan and implement inclusive change processes.

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