A Collaboration Kaleidoscope
In November 2020, two consultancies – the Rocky Mountain Center for Positive Change and Spaciousness Works– joined forces to design and deliver a DEI-centred, Appreciative Inquiry-based strategic planning process for a child and family services organisation in South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida. The nature of the work called for exceptional collaboration, respect, and trust between team members, to meet the demands of a highly challenging, time-sensitive, emotionally-laden project. They had to form positive, productive relationships and learn to work well across many differences: race, age, time zones, citizenship, cultural contexts, skills, and experiences. Applying the best practice for successful, highly diverse teams, they regularly set aside time to focus exclusively on their relationships with one another. Since both teams had previously collaborated with ICW Consultants, they asked them to facilitate reflective spaces for their consulting team over the course of their work.
During the circle conversation, the four principal consultants explored the gifts, challenges, and learnings derived from the “collaboration kaleidoscope” of their work together. Focusing on their personal experiences of the collaboration (rather than the strategic planning process that was successfully delivered to the client), their conversation was framed and supplemented by Ilene Wasserman – ICW consulting who facilitated their “relational check-ins.”
Circle participants from Spaciousness Works: Tanya Cruz Teller & Marlene Ogawa
Circle participants from Rocky Mountain Center for Positive Change: Amanda Trosten-Bloom & Kara Schmitt.
To find out more visit Evolve4Change – 2021