27 May 2024, 10:00-11:00 am EDT / 16:00-17:00 pm SAST
Taos Conversation: Shaping Conversations for Transformation Using Thriving Women, Thriving World, a Taos Institute book of appreciative questions, activities, and stories.
At the heart of positive change is the ability to shift conversations from irritants to inspirations, from problems to pro-social possibilities, and from images of what is not working to images of a world that works for all. This Taos Institute book, with an inspiring foreword by Mary Gergen, is an extraordinary resource to do just that.
Diana Whitney, Co-Founder of the Taos Institute and author of twenty books on Appreciative Inquiry, including Thriving Women, Thriving World, reunites with co-authors Marlene Ogawa and Tanya Cruz Teller to discuss: the initial impetus for their book as a response to the international “metoo” movement; how the team of nine authors from four countries created a powerful learning community as they shared stories and “flipped” topics of oppression, abuse, exclusion and low self-esteem of girls and women into affirmative appreciative inquiry topics such as, The Root Cause of Our Awesomeness, Relational Savvy, Healthy Body Choices, From Victim Talk to Value Talk, Love of Learning, Money of Our Own, Asking for Equal Pay, Women at the Table of Power, Women Who Bring Out Our Best, Allies Who See Us and Compassionate Communities; and the constructionist power of shaping conversations using appreciative questions.
Marlene Ogawa and Tanya Cruz Teller will share how they have used Thriving Women, Thriving World, as a cornerstone of their intercultural competence, diversity, equity and inclusion work across continents, industries and societies – and across dimensions of diversity beyond gender. We invite you to join us to share, how have you used the book Thriving Women, Thriving World? And after hearing Marlene and Tanya’s success stories, how can you imagine using the questions, exercises and stories in the book for life affirming transformation in your communities and organizations.
Taos Conversations are informal, interactive, stimulating, free, and open to all. We hope that you will join in!
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